Ridge Preservation | Bone Grafting For Ridge Preservation | Socket Preservation After A Tooth Extraction

When a tooth is extracted, the bone and tissue originally supporting the tooth begins to break down and is resorbed by the body. This natural process leaves the tooth extraction site in a weakened condition.

Before dental implants are a viable option, strong bone structure must be established in and around the tooth socket and affected area.

Benefits of Ridge Preservation | Benefits of Bone Grafting For Ridge Preservation | Benefits of Socket Preservation After A Tooth Extraction.

Ridge preservation, also known as socket preservation, minimizes tissue breakdown and establishes enhanced bone integrity. Ridge preservation is minimally invasive and is only mildly uncomfortable. It also maintains the esthetics of both the ridge and the patient’s facial structure, allowing for a natural-looking smile while reducing the need for future surgeries.

The Ridge Preservation Procedure | Bone Grafting Procedure | Socket Preservation Procedure

Ridge preservation is simple, safe, and can be performed at the time of a tooth extraction or at a later date. Once the tooth is out of its socket, the socket is filled with regenerative bone grafting material to help support bone formation and structure as well as the soft gum tissue. There are several types of bone material that can be used for this procedure, including the patient’s own tissue, synthetic bone substitute, freeze dried human bone, or processed animal bone tissue.

The tooth socket, once filled, is then covered with a protective dressing and the gums sutured to help protect against infection. The entire procedure typically takes no more than an hour. Please note, in some circumstances a ridge preservation procedure is necessary at the time of extraction.

Recovery From Ridge Preservation

The recovery process after a ridge preservation is similar to that of a regular tooth extraction. There is typically some mild swelling and a moderate degree of discomfort and the area must be kept clean, often with a prescribed mouth rinse and gentle brushing.